Today our group met in SL to go over the logistics for our presentation. I'm glad we met because there were still a couple things that we need to do before the big day tomorrow. Juice Gyoza met with us and showed us how our screenshots looked on the projection screen. Tomorrow our group will meet again before our presentation to fully go through it. Then, the show will begin! Good luck everyone!
Here is our chat log from today's meeting:
[2008/12/17 12:10] Juice Gyoza is Online
[2008/12/17 12:10] Lo Azalee is Online
[2008/12/17 12:10] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[2008/12/17 12:10] Connected
[2008/12/17 12:11] Juice Gyoza: hey
[2008/12/17 12:12] Juice Gyoza: laurens over on the comm sim
[2008/12/17 12:12] Hadiyyah Sirnah: ok
[2008/12/17 12:12] Hadiyyah Sirnah: is it ok if we present here?
[2008/12/17 12:13] Juice Gyoza: It won't work
[2008/12/17 12:13] Juice Gyoza: I already sent out the landmark to the UWM community of the communication sim
[2008/12/17 12:13] Juice Gyoza: we cant fit very many here
[2008/12/17 12:13] Juice Gyoza: I did set up a view for you guys though
[2008/12/17 12:13] Juice Gyoza: I set up a space for you to present on the communication sim[2008/12/17 12:13] Juice Gyoza: check it out
[2008/12/17 12:20] Mary Cyberschreiber: Hi. Thought I'd check out your students' presentation as you suggested.
[2008/12/17 12:20] Hadiyyah Sirnah: I cannot find the landmark...
[2008/12/17 12:20] Hadiyyah Sirnah: great
[2008/12/17 12:21] Mary Cyberschreiber: Where will the presentation be, exactly?[2008/12/17 12:22] Juice Gyoza: this is the area I set up
[2008/12/17 12:22] Juice Gyoza: I can load your slides onto the viewer
[2008/12/17 12:22] Hadiyyah Sirnah: oh ok
[2008/12/17 12:22] Lo Azalee: hey haddiyah!
[2008/12/17 12:22] Juice Gyoza: the othergroups presents today at 4
[2008/12/17 12:22] Hadiyyah Sirnah: hi Lauren
[2008/12/17 12:22] Hadiyyah Sirnah: ok im going to come and check them out
[2008/12/17 12:23] Juice Gyoza: good idea
[2008/12/17 12:23] Lo Azalee: oh yeah that would be great. were you able to get everything i sent again this morning Juice?
[2008/12/17 12:23] Juice Gyoza: if you click on the viewer, you can see their 5 slides[2008/12/17 12:23] Juice Gyoza: I didn't see it
[2008/12/17 12:23] Hadiyyah Sirnah: yeah theres looks nice[2008/12/17 12:23] Juice Gyoza: let mecheck[2008/12/17 12:24] Juice Gyoza: I got it[2008/12/17 12:24] Juice Gyoza: let me convert them and load them now[2008/12/17 12:25] Hadiyyah Sirnah: Lo, do you know where Allan is?[2008/12/17 12:28] Juice Gyoza: lo[2008/12/17 12:28] Juice Gyoza: there were only 3 pages -- is that right?[2008/12/17 12:29] Hadiyyah Sirnah: it should be 4[2008/12/17 12:29] Hadiyyah Sirnah: one from each person[2008/12/17 12:29] Hadiyyah Sirnah: unless someone did not submit there screenshot[2008/12/17 12:30] Juice Gyoza: I only have3[2008/12/17 12:30] Juice Gyoza: Yesterday one you sent to me I couldnt open[2008/12/17 12:30] Juice Gyoza: the document you sent me has a blank page[2008/12/17 12:31] Hadiyyah Sirnah: oh that was just a pic of the executive boardroom[2008/12/17 12:31] Juice Gyoza: I meant that lo sent me[2008/12/17 12:31] Hadiyyah Sirnah: oh ok[2008/12/17 12:31] Slide Show Viewer 2.0: Starting Viewer![2008/12/17 12:32] Juice Gyoza: ok[2008/12/17 12:32] Juice Gyoza: I loaded one of the images[2008/12/17 12:32] Juice Gyoza: look at the screen[2008/12/17 12:32] Lo Azalee: i got lost for minutes, lol[2008/12/17 12:32] Lo Azalee: how do we look at it again so its not blurry?[2008/12/17 12:32] Juice Gyoza: its a little text heavy[2008/12/17 12:33] Juice Gyoza: hold the alt key key and push your arrowkey to zoom in[2008/12/17 12:34] Hadiyyah Sirnah: oh ok[2008/12/17 12:36] Hadiyyah Sirnah: Lo, what do you think[2008/12/17 12:36] Hadiyyah Sirnah: do you have Allan's #[2008/12/17 12:36] Hadiyyah Sirnah: so he can get online[2008/12/17 12:36] Juice Gyoza: do you guys want to cut out some of the text[2008/12/17 12:37] Juice Gyoza: using powerpoint tends to work better because it limits the size and amount of text[2008/12/17 12:37] Hadiyyah Sirnah: oh ok[2008/12/17 12:38] Juice Gyoza: if you click on the red arrows you can move through hte presentation[2008/12/17 12:39] Juice Gyoza: I only added this one image for you all because I thought their might be too much text[2008/12/17 12:40] Hadiyyah Sirnah: so is this our 3 pages fit into one page?[2008/12/17 12:40] Juice Gyoza: no its just one of yourpages[2008/12/17 12:41] Hadiyyah Sirnah: oh ok[2008/12/17 12:41] Lo Azalee: sorry i was getting a snack...ill call allan[2008/12/17 12:41] Lo Azalee: and see where he is[2008/12/17 12:42] Hadiyyah Sirnah: ok we need to figure out what best for presenting our info[2008/12/17 12:42] Juice Gyoza: yes[2008/12/17 12:42] Hadiyyah Sirnah: Tanya, so you dont suggest to present our info like this because its too wordy?[2008/12/17 12:42] Juice Gyoza: I think there is too muchon the screen[2008/12/17 12:43] Juice Gyoza: The other group did a good job of just having highlights[2008/12/17 12:43] Juice Gyoza: If you were giving a presentation you wouldn't have this on a powerpoint or on the screen[2008/12/17 12:43] Leo Koopastown is Online[2008/12/17 12:43] Hadiyyah Sirnah: hmmm.....given that we are presenting tomorrow, i dont know if we'll have the time to modify this[2008/12/17 12:44] Juice Gyoza: Its up to you all[2008/12/17 12:44] Juice Gyoza: If you can get it to me by tomorrow morning, that would be fine[2008/12/17 12:44] Lo Azalee: yeah so if we just take the three bullet points for example on this shot then Mike can just have the other stuff on notes for himself...but then it will be easy to see[2008/12/17 12:44] Juice Gyoza: i agree[2008/12/17 12:45] Leo Koopastown: hey guys[2008/12/17 12:45] Lo Azalee: Haddiyah i dont think it will be too big of a deal we just have to take out the smaller print stuff and you can write it down for yourself and have it to read. But i agree now that i see this up that its quite wordy[2008/12/17 12:45] Hadiyyah Sirnah: This page contains alot of info but did the other pages contain alot too?[2008/12/17 12:45] Hadiyyah Sirnah: I thought mine was more concise than that one[2008/12/17 12:45] Juice Gyoza: why don't you guys put it on a powerpoint and send it to me[2008/12/17 12:46] Lo Azalee: Yours is pretty consise too but i think we can narrow all of ours down...[2008/12/17 12:47] Hadiyyah Sirnah: wow what a big difference[2008/12/17 12:47] Hadiyyah Sirnah: between the two presentations[2008/12/17 12:48] Lo Azalee: yeah ya all those that were going by were so clear then ours goes up and it looks like an actual picture[2008/12/17 12:48] Lo Azalee: oops paper i mean[2008/12/17 12:48] Leo Koopastown: i dont see my speaking points[2008/12/17 12:48] Lo Azalee: just mikes are up[2008/12/17 12:48] Juice Gyoza: I only put one page up[2008/12/17 12:48] Juice Gyoza: it charges per image I upload[2008/12/17 12:48] Lo Azalee: the ones you are seeing are another groups[2008/12/17 12:49] Juice Gyoza: so I thought we should test one fiirst[2008/12/17 12:49] Lo Azalee: yeah that was smart thinkin[2008/12/17 12:49] Juice Gyoza: hey catherine[2008/12/17 12:49] Calohr Sorbet: Hi[2008/12/17 12:49] Juice Gyoza: the team for tomorrow is checking out one of their slides[2008/12/17 12:50] Calohr Sorbet: ok[2008/12/17 12:50] Hadiyyah Sirnah: maybe Mike should only redo his[2008/12/17 12:50] Hadiyyah Sirnah: since his is wordy[2008/12/17 12:50] Lo Azalee: did you guys look at the other ones?[2008/12/17 12:50] Calohr Sorbet: I'm just gonna hang out til my group meets. We are going to do one last run through before we present, so plug your ears :)[2008/12/17 12:50] Lo Azalee: haddiyah and allan that is[2008/12/17 12:50] Juice Gyoza: ok good deal[2008/12/17 12:51] Leo Koopastown: yup[2008/12/17 12:51] Hadiyyah Sirnah: I saw Allans[2008/12/17 12:51] Leo Koopastown: is mine to wordy?[2008/12/17 12:51] Hadiyyah Sirnah: but Lo-yours wasnt up (remember I told you that) so I didnt see yours[2008/12/17 12:52] Lo Azalee: Allan i couldnt open yours actually[2008/12/17 12:52] Lo Azalee: i dunno what was up. oh yeah....did you guys get my email?[2008/12/17 12:52] Lo Azalee: i sent my points to everyone that way because i couldnt get them up through my comp or my dads[2008/12/17 12:53] Leo Koopastown: yup i got your email[2008/12/17 12:54] Hadiyyah Sirnah: oh ok[2008/12/17 12:54] Hadiyyah Sirnah: you sent the email today?[2008/12/17 12:54] Lo Azalee: No i sent it yestarday[2008/12/17 12:54] Leo Koopastown: hadiyyah u think i need to redo mine?[2008/12/17 12:55] Juice Gyoza: putit on a powerpoint slide and see what it looks like[2008/12/17 12:55] Raul Kahanamoku is Online[2008/12/17 12:55] Juice Gyoza: all of the slides I have are text heavy[2008/12/17 12:56] Juice Gyoza: planning for change is got a lot of text[2008/12/17 12:56] Juice Gyoza: why implement second life has a lot too[2008/12/17 12:56] Juice Gyoza: those are the only ones I have[2008/12/17 12:57] Juice Gyoza: hey amy[2008/12/17 12:57] Raul Kahanamoku: hi group[2008/12/17 12:58] Hadiyyah Sirnah: so we all need to revise our parts? Im glad we met today[2008/12/17 12:58] Leo Koopastown: yup[2008/12/17 12:58] Hadiyyah Sirnah: Tanya, when is the latest we can have our points to you?[2008/12/17 12:59] Juice Gyoza: one person could probably do it[2008/12/17 12:59] Juice Gyoza: just take the main headers and put them on a ppt[2008/12/17 12:59] Juice Gyoza: let me check my calendar[2008/12/17 12:59] Raul Kahanamoku: im on a strict time allowance right now too, maybe 10 min[2008/12/17 13:00] Juice Gyoza: can you all get them to me by noon?[2008/12/17 13:00] Hadiyyah Sirnah: well i have other exams to study for so i have to go in 10min too[2008/12/17 13:00] Raul Kahanamoku: I can wake up early tomorrow to finish up. I take it mine should look more like what is in front of me right now[2008/12/17 13:00] Hadiyyah Sirnah: i have an exam tonight and i work tomorrow until 1pm so I'll figure something out[2008/12/17 13:01] Leo Koopastown: I can have mine done for you by 10 tomorrow morning[2008/12/17 13:01] Hadiyyah Sirnah: not only yours but i guess everyone's part[2008/12/17 13:02] Raul Kahanamoku: so are we doing a ppt then?[2008/12/17 13:02] Juice Gyoza: Can one person take the doc Lo sent out and convert it to 4 ppt slides[2008/12/17 13:02] Hadiyyah Sirnah: but first it has to be condensed right?[2008/12/17 13:03] Leo Koopastown: if everyone can condense their and then send it to me I can send the powerpoint to tanya by tomorrow morning[2008/12/17 13:03] Lo Azalee: i can do that[2008/12/17 13:03] Juice Gyoza: I would just take the main headers and put those on the ppt[2008/12/17 13:03] Raul Kahanamoku: is this an example of an A presentation in front of us?[2008/12/17 13:04] Juice Gyoza: the extra stuff you will tell usin your verbal presentation[2008/12/17 13:04] Juice Gyoza: iti s the 4pm group today[2008/12/17 13:04] Juice Gyoza: but the presentation is precise and readable[2008/12/17 13:04] Lo Azalee: yeah. Everyone has a couple bold or main topics, if you just take those and number them thats all we've gotta do[2008/12/17 13:04] Lo Azalee: we just have to get rid of all the extra text[2008/12/17 13:05] Juice Gyoza: yeap[2008/12/17 13:05] Lo Azalee: group...did yu catch that?[2008/12/17 13:05] Raul Kahanamoku: maybe I can insert a visual aid onto a slide like this group has done[2008/12/17 13:05] Raul Kahanamoku: yea i caught it[2008/12/17 13:05] Juice Gyoza: good idea[2008/12/17 13:05] Lo Azalee: yeah i think we can all manage to do that too[2008/12/17 13:05] Juice Gyoza: this woudl be more for ahandout[2008/12/17 13:05] Juice Gyoza: if you want to give folks an electronic handout[2008/12/17 13:05] Juice Gyoza: you can do that, but the presentation should just be highlights for people to follow your presntation[2008/12/17 13:06] Hadiyyah Sirnah: so everyone needs to get their revised part to Mike by tonight[2008/12/17 13:07] Lo Azalee: to mike...i thought allan?[2008/12/17 13:07] Hadiyyah Sirnah: so he can create a powerpoint presentation and send it to Tanya by Noon[2008/12/17 13:07] Raul Kahanamoku: allan said he would handle that[2008/12/17 13:07] Hadiyyah Sirnah: oh ok[2008/12/17 13:07] Juice Gyoza: great[2008/12/17 13:08] Juice Gyoza: I will look for your ppt at 12[2008/12/17 13:08] Lo Azalee: ok so condense and get it to Allan by tonight[2008/12/17 13:08] Hadiyyah Sirnah: these names confuse me sometime[2008/12/17 13:08] Hadiyyah Sirnah: s*[2008/12/17 13:08] Juice Gyoza: see you all tomorrow at 2[2008/12/17 13:08] Lo Azalee: haha yeah i hear ya[2008/12/17 13:08] Leo Koopastown: all I have to do is put the points on a slide right?[2008/12/17 13:08] Raul Kahanamoku: sounds good[2008/12/17 13:08] Juice Gyoza: yeap[2008/12/17 13:08] Lo Azalee: You are just going to have to take what everyone sends you and copy it into a power point slide[2008/12/17 13:08] Lo Azalee: one slde per page[2008/12/17 13:08] Hadiyyah Sirnah: yup....send it to the group first so we can make sure its ok[2008/12/17 13:09] Hadiyyah Sirnah: ...before you send it to Tanya[2008/12/17 13:09] Raul Kahanamoku: We will class them up you throw it together then send it to us[2008/12/17 13:09] Raul Kahanamoku: all by noon[2008/12/17 13:09] Juice Gyoza: you can use a slide design too[2008/12/17 13:09] Lo Azalee: so we will ahve 4 slide. And maybe if you are feeling up to it you can put a title page and make a themed .[2008/12/17 13:09] Lo Azalee: :)[2008/12/17 13:09] Lo Azalee: so di you guys want to meet like an hour before we present to go through this tomorrow?![2008/12/17 13:10] Raul Kahanamoku: I can[2008/12/17 13:10] Leo Koopastown: yup[2008/12/17 13:10] Lo Azalee: are you able to do that Hadiyyah?[2008/12/17 13:10] Slide Show Viewer 2.0: Starting Viewer![2008/12/17 13:10] Hadiyyah Sirnah: no...i can be here by 1:30[2008/12/17 13:11] Hadiyyah Sirnah: at the earliest....i get off at 1[2008/12/17 13:11] Lo Azalee: ok i think that will be fine. but allan and mike bere here at 1[2008/12/17 13:11] Raul Kahanamoku: fine by me[2008/12/17 13:11] Leo Koopastown: k[2008/12/17 13:11] Lo Azalee: that way we can just look at everything get it figured out and by that time when Hadiyyah gets on we just fill her in[2008/12/17 13:12] Hadiyyah Sirnah: Leo, make sure you send us a rough copy so we can see how it looks[2008/12/17 13:13] Lo Azalee: yeah, just whenever you are finished send it out, that would be good[2008/12/17 13:13] Lo Azalee: so we arent all surprised at whats going to go up tomorrow[2008/12/17 13:13] Hadiyyah Sirnah: Leo, what time do you think you can have it done?[2008/12/17 13:13] Hadiyyah Sirnah: exactly[2008/12/17 13:14] Hadiyyah Sirnah: Leo?[2008/12/17 13:14] Leo Koopastown: late tonight ill try bc im doing other stuff for an exa.[2008/12/17 13:15] Leo Koopastown: what should our title page include[2008/12/17 13:16] Lo Azalee: A title and our names. i dunno[2008/12/17 13:16] Lo Azalee: it was just a suggestion[2008/12/17 13:17] Leo Koopastown: k gtg ill text you if i need anything lo[2008/12/17 13:17] Raul Kahanamoku: yea just class it up a bit. we can even take care of it us 3 at one pm tomorrow when we meet[2008/12/17 13:17] Raul Kahanamoku: a title page[2008/12/17 13:17] Lo Azalee: no mike that wouldnt work cuz allan as to have it to us by tonight[2008/12/17 13:17] Hadiyyah Sirnah: ok see you all tomorrow[2008/12/17 13:17] Lo Azalee: but if you need anything through out the rest of today allan just give me a call[2008/12/17 13:17] Raul Kahanamoku: me too[2008/12/17 13:17] Lo Azalee: bye hadiyyah! have a good day good luck on exams[2008/12/17 13:17] Hadiyyah Sirnah: me 3[2008/12/17 13:18] Hadiyyah Sirnah: Bye![2008/12/17 13:18] Raul Kahanamoku: bye, I have to go too. Good Luck with exams everyone.[2008/12/17 13:18] Hadiyyah Sirnah: Thanks![2008/12/17 13:18] Hadiyyah Sirnah: Good luck everybody!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
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